The league is broken down into 6 divisions:
Rookie - This division is for boys and girls who are little league age 5 or 6 and who want to learn the basic fundamentals of baseball in an age-appropriate setting. Both coach-pitched balls and an instructional batting tee are used to accommodate all skill levels. Games and practices will last one hour and the emphasis at this level is to teach the basics of the game and ensure that all players have fun and graduate to the A ball division. Fee includes Jersey, hat, and socks.
A-Division - This division is for boys and girls ages 7-8. A pitching machine is used to ensure that the players get consistent pitches in the games. There are no called balls or strikes, each player will receive 7 pitches and the emphasis is on fundamentals of baseball and having fun! Fee includes Jersey, hat, and socks.
AA-Division - This division is for 9-year-old boys and girls who want to continue to develop their baseball skills with live pitching. From an instructional standpoint, the main objective of this division is to develop pitchers and catchers and to get the kids comfortable at the plate batting against live pitching. Fee includes Jersey, hat, and socks.
AAA-Division - This division is for 10- to 11-year-old boys and girls who want to continue to develop their baseball skills. Fee includes Jersey, hat, and socks.
Majors - This division is for boys and girls ages 10 to 12. The main difference between the Major Division & the AAA Division is that the quality of pitching, hitting and fielding is noticeably better than in AAA. The emphasis at this level is to teach the specialized skills of the game and provide a competitive environment for those players who wish to develop skills which can be used at a higher level. All players at this level are ensured of having fun while competing against similar talented players. All 12 year olds MUST play at the Major league level. Fee includes Jersey, hat, and socks.
Seniors - This division is for players ages 13-16 who would like to continue playing in Little League.