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Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League

Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League

Volunteer Information

We need your help.

The Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League is a 100% volunteer organization, so we need your help to make this the best league for our kids

We understand you’re busy.

We understand that everybody has other commitments, so we have created an easier way for you to volunteer. We have broken down the areas where we need help and better defined what would be required for your participation. There are seasonal commitments like coaching to 2-hour commitments to help at a specific function. They are all important so please sign up and help your little league.

Safety always comes first.

Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League, like all local Little Leagues, are now required to conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members, and any other persons, volunteers, or hired workers who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams. We have provided specific instructions on each volunteer page in order to comply with this requirement.

Even if you are just thinking about coaching or just want to learn more, PLEASE SIGN UP and let us know. You will have an opportunity to learn more about the coaching responsibilities and ask questions before committing to the season. We have a great Little League program because people like you are willing to volunteer.

Please Note: All teams will have one Manager/Head Coach.  Manager/Head Coaches are ultimately responsible for their teams and therefore the Manager/Head Coach role tends to require a significant time commitment. 

Why you have to fill out the Official Volunteer Application:

Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League, like all local Little Leagues, are required to conduct background checks on Managers, Coaches, Board of Directors members, and any other persons, volunteers, or hired workers who provide regular service to the league.  NOTE: All information is kept confidential, and Volunteer's information is purged after the current season is over.

Concession Stand

Come volunteer with our league!

We need volunteers to run the concession stand for the season.  Please click on the links below to sign-up for a shift or two.  The players and families love having this available, but we need helpers to run it.  Volunteers should be at least 13 years old to work on their own, but younger volunteers are welcome when working with an adult.  Two volunteers are required per shift and this is a great opportunity for kids who need service hours.  

Those interested in lending a hand, please contact [email protected]



Join a Committee:

Event Planning


Social Media/Marketing


Skills Training

Strategic Planning

Contact us today at: 

[email protected]

for more information and how to get started!

Volunteers for Events

Sign Up to Help at GPFCLL Events!

Mother's Day Tournament

Homerun Derby

Steps to become a Volunteer

Volunteer Registration Process:

Step 1:  Click the Sign-up button below to register for a position.  You can choose multiple positions in multiple leagues. 

Step 2:  Answer all the questions and be sure to upload a copy of a government issued ID, preferably a driver's license.

Step 3:  Watch for an email from GPFCLL with a link to complete a JDP background check.  This will ask for your social security number and is required to complete the check.

Final Step:  You will receive confirmation of your verification completion.

Any questions:  Contact at [email protected]

According to Little League International rules, if you plan to manage, coach, or be a parent helper in any capacity, you will need to complete the above steps and be cleared through our process. This is an important part of making sure that the Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League is a safe environment for our children.

Volunteer Here

Register Now

2025 Spring Season

Head Coach/Manager 
Concession Helper 
Assistant Coach 
Field Helper
Team Parent 


Grosse Pointe Farms-City Little League
PO Box 36898 
Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan 48236

Email: [email protected]

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